The Yemen crisis has been deteriorating over the past months, UNICEF's appeal of $535 million has barely been reached with an available $180 million. As of April, 12.2 million children are in need of humanitarian assistance, 1.7 million of those are internally displaced, and overall 24 million people are in need.
A total of 4 million people depend on UNICEF to provide water, sanitation, and hygiene services; which during these times of pandemic are essential to all. In order to keep these stations from being lost due to a lack of funding, UNICEF would need $30 million by the end of June and $110 million to have them operate until the end of the year. This lack of funding is a reflection of how under funded the overall response by UNICEF to Covid is, with only 10% of its $53 million goal has been reached.
Along with the pandemic, Yemen is facing a civil conflict. A conflict which again has exterior players influencing sides to back different objectives. Despite what either side are fighting for, children and civilians are paying a steep price in life; last year alone the UN reported 2,159 children were directly harmed by conflict, this doesn't take into account the children that were not reported and the hundreds of thousand displaced and affected by the raging conflict.
The combined conflict and pandemic have turned the region into an area in urgent need of assistance; humanitarian aid is barely flowing in, and at the current pace assisting children in the region will become more and more difficult.
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