Our writers

Hello Everyone!
My name is Ariel, and I’m happy to be joining the UNICEF student team in Maastricht as an Education and Awareness Officer. You’ll see me primarily as a writer on the USTM Blog!
I grew up in Canada, and I’m currently in my third year of the Psychology and Neuroscience bachelor at UM. I’ve always been passionate about advocating for those who cannot raise their own voices, and look forward to writing about children's rights through UNICEF. I’m particularly interested in viewing world events through a psychological perspective, and acknowledging how a child’s development is significantly impacted by their experiences.
I look forward to seeing you on the USTM blog!

Recognizing the substantial demographic representation of children worldwide, joining UNICEF becomes a compelling choice. The acknowledgment that children constitute a marginalized and vulnerable segment of society underscores the paramount importance of engaging in humanitarian efforts. UNICEF, with its comprehensive approach to safeguarding and enhancing children's well-being at all stages, and its commitment to financial transparency and allocation, emerges as an exemplary organization. Personally, the opportunity to contribute modestly to UNICEF's noble initiatives is a source of immense gratification and pride.