200 million women are 'missing' demographically, given the biological norm of 100 new-born girls to every 103 new-born boys, millions more women should be living among us. If they are not, then they have been killed, or have died through neglect and mistreatment.
This #AwarenessWednesday is to shed light on the practice of honor killings. around 5,000 women are estimated to be murdered every year because of this antiquated tradition. Honor killings are done as a way for a family to regain their honor through the murder of a female family member accused of bringing shame to that family. A study led in Egypt analyzed female deaths and concluded, that 47 percent of these women had been killed by a family member after a rape. In Pakistan, it is estimated that three women are murdered in these honor killings on a daily basis. Sometimes these attacks are done with fire or acid, not causing death but great dis figuration and pain.
In a number of countries, murder is not prosecuted or not punished when it is perceived as honor killing. Proper laws are essential, as is proper implementation and monitoring. For an honor killing, the usual sentence is from three months to one year. Failure by Governments to properly criminalize these murders and the presence of laws where women are not allowed to own property, or travel without a male guardian creates vulnerable situations where women are controlled by abusive spouses; without the ability to reach out for help.
To find out more about what is being and what has been done with not just honor killings but vioence against women:
Statement UNICEF 2013: